Thursday, March 30, 2017

We are only human

How much will our world change?
Will Brexit mean that the UK actually wins against a disintegrating european Union? Already, German current account surpluses are ridiculously high, and the euro only keeps aiding it; history shows that when the tide turns, the impact of one strong parameter can really unsettle an economy.

The number of stories about China's shadow banking and shadow investing - - investing using apps, debtors not being able to pay money to P2P lenders, who then cant pay the gullible small guy who gave money away using an app chasing a yield 3x that what a bank offers;
Chinese companies using devious ways of routing money using LCs and collateral to invest in foreign assets that dont make any strategic sense - - why would the largest jewellery company want to buy an Australian utility?

Why would Tencent buy a stake in Tesla after Tesla buys out the sister solar company, and trades at an absurb valuation?

Meanwhile, in India, there is a sense of complacency creeping in... 'this company will grow because it has the most superior distribution model, and the CEO is fantastic... yes, it deserves a 35x PE multiple because it is a good quality company'
'this guy is a star investor, and as head of a diversified conglomerate he has made some very shrewd moves... the company is going to be one of the biggest in India.'

Odd global investors have started putting money directly into Indian companies/ projects
And quite a few companies are raising foreign debt at super low rates, low covenants, and extended maturities...

And on the technology front - - driverless, VR, crazy amounts of data, an increasing reliance on consuming data, an extremely interconnected and public life, new materials, 3d printing, drones, new terrorism tactics, new ways of routing money and raising money... all these things vs just 12-15 years ago of a very nascent internet, and no google just shows that the world is going to be starkly different by 2030.
And hopefully, the humans and the planet is safe then - that will make for interesting times.

On a personal front, returns have been too high, and I will be punished.
March 2017 - - just a little less than three in 60 or so... luck has to run out.

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